Frank Wretzel

The idea of retiring at age 65 just didn’t sit well with me. As a member of the “golden years club” I believe that I have too much too offer. I can’t sit still and remain silent.

I have 77 years of experiences to draw from. It wouldn’t be right if I left this earth and kept what I’ve learned all to myself.

I decided a long time ago that I would simply age and sage.

What does retirement mean to you? Is it to see who is going to get to the pool first to reserve the best chairs? Or is your biggest decision of the day which early bird dinner you will go to? Who says that when we retire we have to enjoy the “benefits” of a life of leisure?

I believe that people my age are an extremely valuable commodity, and our collective wisdom should be shared with others. What wisdom can you share?
In 2020 I was diagnosed with Covid-19, and fortunately I recovered. It made me even more aware that living life at half mast was not the way to go.

Covid-19 actually became my ally and helped wake me up to what living a meaningful, joy-filled life is all about.

I hope you’ll join me here on my website as I exchange ideas and stories and life experiences.